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31 Days to Finding Balance

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

8 Inches!!!

This is what it looked like this morning looking out my front door! Beautiful!! I think we got about 8 inches from the time I went to bed until I got up this morning. There are about 200 schools closed this morning! Crazy!! Needless to say, we have a lot of shoveling to do tonight!


Unknown said...

Wow!!! Looks very cold!!!!

alittlebitofscrap said...

Great pictures. Enjoy your snow. We are having a chinook here and the roads have glaciated.. I hope you don't have to deal with that anytime soon :)

Gillian Ottaway said...

Love the snow!! So jealous that you got so much :)

Bernadette Merikle said...

that is a WHOOOOOOLE lotta snow! I don't know if I need 8 inches...just enough to have a snow day (preferably not on a Friday though).

cinnibonbon said...

Man oh man....That's crazy and very beautiful!! Hope you were able to stay indoors.

Anna M said...

Snow? What is snow? It looks beautiful whatever it is! LOL!