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31 Days to Finding Balance

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Are your surprised yet??? I've got to keep you on your toes, you just never know when I may "show up" again!! LOL!!

Have I ever said how much I LOVE Sunday's?? Cause I really do...nothing ever gets planned on a Sunday, it's all about relaxing and FOOTBALL!!! Maybe a load or two of laundry and some picking up from a weekend of hurricane Lily, but that's about it. Did I mention Football?? Really that's what goes on in this house on Sunday's. Lot's of flipping channels between games, yelling at the tv, and explaining to Lil that she's cheering for the wrong player. But you have to love that she knows when someone scores, and she yells "TOUCHDOWN" with hands in the air and all.

It's been a quiet weekend here. Friday consisted of scrapping with two lovely ladies, by the fire, AND we all got lots done!! I even managed to get all of my foundation pages done for my December daily. I would share pictures, but I sent the camera with Rob hunting. I will get some photos when he gets home.

Saturday consisted of Lily and I sleeping in, then getting up and having PB&J sandwiches for breakfast, cause that's what Lil wanted. Then I decided to try to get down the outside Christmas stuff from the attic. My sister came over to help and we managed to get it down with no injuries!! Lil and I then worked on getting stuff up outside, even though I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, I'm glad to have some of it done. I would have kept working if 80% of the lights didn't have half a string out. Nothing worse than Christmas lights that don't work!!! I had enough, and threw them all in a tub for Rob to mess with, that is so not my job!! Lil and I went to hang out with Grammy after I got my hair done. Needless to say, we didn't get home from grammy's till after 1am. Lil was asleep and slept all the way home, but was wide awake when we got her pj's on. So she laid in my bed and watched her favorite show, Billy the Exterminator. I know she was still awake at 3am, when the tv went off, cause she was not happy!! I did convince her that Billy would be on another day, so we don't have to watch it like it's never coming on again!!! Oh the child and her crazy shows!!

Totally off the subject, but totally has to do with Billy the Exterminator. One night Lil and I were watching Billy, he had caught a squirrel in someone's attic and had it in a cage to take and release in the woods. When he got to where he was releasing it, the squirrel had it's foot caught in the cage and he was worried about it and had to cut the cage, to save the squirrels foot. Of course he was talking to the squirrel as all of this was going on, and talking to himself. He said to himself, this squirrel is pissed off, come on buddy, don't be so pissed, you're going to hurt yourself, things like that. Fast forward to bedtime, Lil and I are walking back to her bedroom and she stops, has this really serious look on her face, puts her hands out in front her, and says "Mom, that squirrel was really pissed of, wasn't he mom??" Oh Lord, the look on her face and the words from her mouth almost sent me to the ground with laughter. I kept my composure as much as I could, then told her yes he was, but that is not a word that pretty little girls should say. Of course she said, "when I get big, can I say that word Mom???" Of course my child would pick up on the worst word in the whole show!!!

Back to the weekend....we are doing nothing today, but watching Football, washing sheets, and waiting for Daddy to come.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!!!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Maybe, Just Maybe....

Maybe, I'll start to blog again..just maybe.

Hubby headed out for some deer hunting with the family for the weekend. So it's girl time!!!

A few lovely ladies will be joining me tomorrow for some scrap time, and maybe a few drinks too. I think I'm going to jump on the December Daily bandwagon. That will be my project for tomorrow night. Lets hope I can find some creativity, wish me luck!!!

Saturday, Lil and I may put up some outside Christmas decorations if the weather cooperates!! We'll get everything but the roof done, then daddy can do the roof while we watch from inside the warm house!! Then Saturday night, it's time to get all of this gray hair covered and this mop cut, it's just crazy how fast my hair grows, so I think I'm going to go darker this time, we'll see!! I'm so easy going, that I'll just let Sarah do her thing!! Can't wait!! I'm sure Saturday night will include some Grammy time too!!

See, so exciting.....NOT!! I'll share some photos soon!!

Have a great weekend!!!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank A Veteran Today!!

Don't forget that our freedoms are because of our Vet's and all of our military members....past, present and future. Please take the time to thank them today and say a prayer for all of those who are serving and continue to fight for our freedom!!!

Thank You from the bottom of my heart, you are all Hero's!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy 235th Marines!!!

Happy Birthday Marines!!!

To my Daddy....I am so lucky that your are mine!! Not only are you an amazing Dad, but an amazing Marine!! I am so proud to be your daughter, you will ALWAYS be my HERO!!! I love you!!!

To any other Marines who may read this and have come into my life, I'm so proud to know you all...THANK YOU and Happiest of Birthday's to you!!!

Semper Fi!!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Can you believe it?????

Yes, I'm alive and well. I thought I would shock you all and blog for a change! It's really hard to blog when you honestly don't have anything exciting to blog about. Cause ya know, my life is rather boring!!!

What's new with us???? I guess the biggest and most important thing that has happened since I blogged last, Rob has a job!!! Woo Hoo!!! He has been working since January, and life is now much easier!!! We have learned a lot about the things we can live with out and the things we wasted our money on before. No more for us, we are changed people!!! We have no credit cards, we are out of debt and we plan on staying that way!!! Rob is loving his job, great people, great company!!! I know he is glad to be back to work!!

As for me, well, same old, same old. Daycare is keeping me plenty busy, I've got great kids, who on occasion, make me totally insane!! But I love them anyway!!! I haven't done much scrapping or crafting, I just haven't found the time. Well....let me rephase that, I've become VERY lazy lately and sleep and doing nothing have sounded better. I think it's just the weather...I need sun in my life and we haven't had much of that lately!! Although today is bright and sunny and I'm feeling great!! Not to mention that Facebook is seriously addicting!!! I'm trying to do better about being on there!!

Our foster daughter whom we've had since September, is officialy living with her adoptive parents. She is VERY loved and has great parents, and I know she is going to have a wonderful life!!! We are looking forward to watching her grow, as her adoptive parents have said we can still see her and such!! We've now had our last two foster placements result in happy endings, and WOW does that make our job as foster parents so much better!! I'm sure after the happy endings our next placement will be all out hell!! Oh well, we take the good with the bad and just hope the best for all of "our" kids!!

As for Lily, she turned 4 at the end of January. I was really hoping that when she turned 4 she would snap out of her naughtiness, but not so much!! Three was not any fun, and I can see 4 is going to be great too!! No really, she really is a angel baby about 80% of the time, but you better run like hell for the other 20%. She can be UGLY!!! (yes, i'm told she may have gotten that me, and that I probably deserve it all for the hell I put my Mom through) We have started a responsibility chart for Lily, and she is actually improving. She has things she has to do each day to earn her smilies. At the end of the week, she earns a quarter for each smilie (side note, Lil who is supposed to be resting, just appeared and as I told her back to her room, she says, I just need to hug you's a good thing she's cute) Anyhow...for each smilie she doesn't earn, she owes me a quarter. At the end of the week, we pay her out. She gets half of the money to her piggy bank, then the other half we divide in two and she puts half of that into her spend jar, and the other half into her give back jar. It's been hard for her to understand the give back jar, but I think she's finally got it!! There is one smilie she has had the most trouble with, and that would be the "keeping her hands to herself", I think she only earned 3 of those last week. We'll get there I'm sure!!! Her things she has to do each day are: Get dressed, Make her bed, brush her teeth, keep her hands and feet to herself, say please and thank you, and clean her room every night before bed. We've only been at this for 3 weeks, so hopefully we will continue to see improvement!! In other Lily news, she is loving her dance class and looks forward to going each week!! She also loves that Papa or Grammy pick her up to take her and most of the time, she goes to their house afterwards. We are so lucky to have Papa and Grammy to help out!! We would have had to take her out of dance, had they not been able to help us out since Rob got a job. Thank you Papa and Grammy, you a loved and appreciated soooooooo much!!

I don't even know what else to say, cause this post is just a lot of ramblings....I'll TRY to do better, then maybe my posts won't be all over the place!!