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31 Days to Finding Balance

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday!!

Mom and I headed out for our annual shopping this morning, Very early I might add!! I think this was the earliest we have headed out. We met at Kohls this morning at 3:45 am. As I was on the way to Kohls, I passed the exit from the highway, and Holy Crap, there was a line backed up for as far as I could see!! Obviously, Mom and I are not the only crazy ones, but Dang!!! There were just too many people!! I think this was the longest we've ever waited in line!! We waited in line for an hour and a half at Kohls, and two hours at Menards!!! We also hit up Walmart (which was quicker that a normal day at Walmart) and Home Depot (also a very quick trip)! We were done shopping by 10:00 am!!! Whoooo Hoooo!! I was back in bed by 11:00 and slept until 5:30!! I think I'm going back to bed VERY soon!! The good part about all of this craziness: I got almost all of the kids on my list Done!!! I always feel better when I'm done shopping for the Daycare kids and all the other kids on my list!!

Tomorrow I start putting up all of our Christmas stuff!! I hope to have it all done by Sunday, so next weekend we can go cut down our main tree. I have this slight obsession with Christmas trees!! I have one in the breezeway, one in the living room, then smaller trees in the Kitchen, Bathroom, our bedroom and Lily's room!!! I love to decorate the trees!!! I'm sure once I get it all done, I'll post some pictures!

Have a great weekend!!!


cinnibonbon said...

LOL. You are such a diehard! Woo all that shopping! I stayed home. On the other hand I'm just like you, I feel the same about Christmas, last year I put up 7 trees, 2 large and the rest varied in size. This year our house is on the market, so I'm not too sure I want 7 trees up..LOL You'll have to post some pictures for us to admire!

Anonymous said...





HA HA HA! And it was fabulous! I can't wait to see pics of your trees girl!

Love your guts!