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31 Days to Finding Balance

Friday, May 2, 2008

WOW, where have I been???

Seriously, I don't know where I've been or what I've been doing, but it's obviously neglecting this blog!!! We've had some warm days in the last couple of weeks, of course followed by really crazy gonna snow weather!! So we took advantage of the nice weather and played outside with Lily's favorite things.... BUBBLES!! All she wants to do is play outside!! I know this is a good thing, but when it's rainy and windy, and she still wants to go out!

I wish I had something really exciting to tell you all, but well, were pretty boring lately!! We are on a budget to have all of our debt paid off in 4 1/2 years, and damn, it's going to be a long 4 1/2 years!!!! But that little princess is worth it!! I just have to keep saying to myself 4 1/2 years, then it will all be over!!! Wish us luck!!!

Lily has learned a new thing, and Mommy is so excited (NOT)! She has learned to open doors, so now when she goes down for her nap, she opens her door and comes out and says "I wake". Oh no your not girl!! She still needs a nap otherwise by seven o'clock she is a monster and I'm not willing to put her in bed at 7pm. So we'll muddle through this oh so fun time and get through it. Luckily she has yet to do this at night when she goes to bed, but I suppose that is coming soon!!

Just talked to my girlfriend who is in Vegas for a few days, I'm wishing her lots and lots of luck!!! Hope you win some BIG dollars Jod!!!!

Not much else going on, just getting ready for a garage sale next weekend. It's just sick how many clothes Lily has, no wonder I'm in debt !!! I'm looking forward to a girls weekend away this month, I love hanging out with my girls!!! We never have a bad time!! This month also brings the Kenny Chesney concert, Woo Hoo!!! I've probably seen him 10 times, and I just can't get enough!!! (thank goodness I bought the tickets before we went on a budget!!)

I'll leave you with some Friday fill ins! Hope you all have a great weekend!!

1. Two of my favorite ingredients in a drink are Malibu and Diet!
2. Lily Rene' often amazes me.
3. You can keep doing that forever, the dog is _Filthy.
4. A bloop bloop and a bloop bloop, mix it all together and voila! You have a sweet tart!.
5. If I had a yard with a garden, I would love to grow Gerber Daisy's.
6. Is anything really best au naturel?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Hanging out for Mom's Birthday, tomorrow my plans include Going to see a sorority sisters new twin boys and Sunday, I want to do absolutely nothing!


cinnibonbon said...

I love bubbles!!! Great picture of the little miss. Ok that budget thing. I kow it bites, hubs harps and harps. I 'mnot making the kind of $$ I did back in real estate so know I don't have the means to spend like I want and that blows beyond belief!! So I truly undstand where you are coming from. I get ...bummer. There are so many new shoes, scrap fixing, shoes, makeup, shoes, bling, shoes...did I mention shoes?...what I wanT!!! BLAHHHHHHHH

scrapnic72 said...

What amazing layouts, Lori! We missed you in GR at the SIS crop...and you'll certainly want to see the new photos of Sonja! I can't wait to see the layout you create with the bubble photos....enjoy the spring weather!


Anna M said...

Great pics of Lily the and bubbles!