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31 Days to Finding Balance

Friday, March 14, 2008

Thank You Janice

Once again I'm really slacking at this bloggin' thing!! I've been meaning to get these photos on the blog, so finally here they are.

Lily got a package in the mail last week from our wonderful (long time) friend Janice in CA! How cute is this sign??!!! Lily thought it was the coolest thing to get a box in the mail!! Thanks again Janice for all of the well wishes in the last year for our Princess!!

We are finally over the pink eye that Lily and our respite foster daughter had!!! Luckily no one else in the day care got it!!

Our respite foster daughter is going back to her foster parents tomorrow. We had so much fun having a baby around, and she was such a good girl!!

Tomorrow night we are having a new sitter for Lily, and I'm sure she will do great! Hard to believe that I used to take care of her in day care. I hope the Princess is good for her!

Here's a Friday fill in for ya'll!! Happy Friday!!

1. Contact may cause a lack of sleep (if you know what I mean!!).
2. The parties hereto do mutually agree to not talk about the transmission that it is in the shop cause it only leads to fight!!
3. Disney parks are a blast and I can't wait for the Princess to be old enough to go!!
4. A Mailbu and Diet sounds really good right about now!
5. I positively am going on a budget.
6. When the princess says I Love You Mommy it always makes me smile :-)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to (would it be really boring to say a relaxing night)??


Anna M said...

Cute sign!

It is not boring to say "a relaxing night". I need a drink after a hellish week for work!

cinnibonbon said...

Great sign, it's a perfect fit for Lily's room. Bummer to hear about that transmission..ouch!

Unknown said...

How cool is that sign!!! Very!!!