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31 Days to Finding Balance

Monday, January 10, 2011

I finally picked my "One Little Word" for 2011!! A big thanks to my friend Shanna for inspiring me make a logo of my word. Now I really need to head over and sign up for the One Little Word online class, so I can see what they've got up their sleeve to get me MOTIVATED!!I chose MOTIVATE for so many reasons, I mean, it appears that I've lost all my motivation and I need to get it back!!!

I need to be motivated to be a better me, to be a better Mommy and a better wife. Not that I don't think I'm a pretty good me, Mommy and wife, but I know there are things I can do better, that I want to do better!! I WILL do better, I WILL be MOTIVATION will return!!!

Just got done playing with my 52 Week Project photo. I don't know if I will ever not play with my photo in Picnik, well, cause I just don't like photos of myself! But...maybe this project will help me get over it already!!! Anyhow, here it is: it's all in the eyes

Not much else going on here, didn't leave home ALL weekend, didn't even get out of my jammies this weekend, this cold is kicking my ass!! But now it's back to work, no time for laying around, lots to do this week!! Really looking forward to spending ALL day Saturday scrapping with some lovely ladies, maybe I'll even get some scrapping done!!!

Have a great week!!!

1 comment:

cinnibonbon said...

Oh girl---I love your logo--but I love your picture evenmore!!!! You are so beautiful, and your eyes are amazing!!!!!!! Lucky hubby--wooohoooo them theres bedroomeyes!!
You are a wonderful, woman, mom, wife and friend. But yes, I know what it means to want to improve in all aspects of one's life..

So go for it..cause I for one enjoy having you back here and sharing in your life!!!